Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another blog?

I know what you're thinking... another blog? just tell me why?? seriously why? well .... I have a writing blog - where I put the things I write.... and... I have sort of a on the way creativity blog where I put the day to day fun creative things that I do, and the bits and pieces of goings on. But this blog... this blog is all about what I'm reading and all those tidbits of things that I am dying to share with someone. When I was teaching and spending time with lots of people it was easy to do that, I would be sitting and chatting or teaching or whatever and I would say "I just read this thing" and then I'd share but my life is a little different right now so I thought this might be a good place to share those things ...feel free to comment and we can converse about it (or if you are local) I'd be happy to get together and chat.

Of course for me it will help me to remember if I share and it will keep me a bit accountable with my reading ... can't share if I'm not reading ... need to read so I'll be able to share.


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